Lula: jailed former leader registered as presidential candidate
Category : Liverpool News
Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT) has formally registered jailed former President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva as its presidential candidate.
Lula is currently serving a 12-year jail term for accepting a bribe. In Brazil, no one convicted of a crime upheld on appeal can run for office.
That law would prevent Lula from running for the presidency in October. However, exceptions have been made to the law before.
He was convicted of receiving a beachfront apartment worth some 3.7m reais as a bribe by engineering firm OAS.
Lula has chosen Fernando Haddad, former mayor of São Paulo, to run for the PT if he is prevented from doing so.
Adapted from BBC.
former: ex.
jailed: adjetivo para dizer que alguém está preso, observe a posição dele no texto.
upheld on appeal: condenação mantida em segunda instância.
bribe: propina.
mayor: prefeito.
run for: candidatar-se a um cargo público.
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